Private Investigator 360
How to Conduct a “Bug Sweep” In Your Home or Office

How to Conduct a “Bug Sweep” In Your Home or Office

The Effectiveness of Physical Searches 90% of Bug Sweeps can be handled with a simple “physical search.” Most P.I.’s don’t want me to say this out loud, but 90% of Bug Sweeps can be handled with a simple “physical search” of the premises. We have...

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What to Expect When You Call a Private Investigator:

What to Expect When You Call a Private Investigator:

When most people call our offices, it is their first time ever dealing with a private investigator, so they really don’t know what to expect.  I think a lot of people expect to hear a recording (usually a tool of 1-man shows) and others expect...

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In Person Consultation

In Person Consultation

Before an in-person consultation can be scheduled, a 5-10 minute conversation will need to take place between an investigator (most likely a supervisory investigator) and the potential client calling into the office. The investigator and potential...

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The Phone Call

The Phone Call

A few months ago, I received a call from a woman in her 40’s who suspected her husband was having an affair with another woman. The woman was very nervous.  She was hesitant in her answers to my questions and her voice was trembling a little bit....

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Blocking Caller ID

Blocking Caller ID

Blocking Caller ID Caller ID is the standard way incoming phone numbers are displayed, but you don’t have to let it identify you. You can easily make your number “Private” or “Restricted” from caller ID just by dialing a few extra digits. You have...

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GPS Tracking and Restraining Orders/Protection Orders

GPS Tracking and Restraining Orders/Protection Orders

GPS tracking; we have been hired on several different cases to assist our clients in protecting them from dangerous and/or threatening individuals...whether it be a workplace violence type of situation where a person has been terminated and there...

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